Bug UnderGround is a suite of Verilog
designs of fairly complex microprocessors with functional bugs. The majority of the bugs occur in complex corner cases
of microprocessor operation and are inspired by publicly available errata from Intel, AMD, and other processor manufacturers.
Disclaimer: the authors do not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of this software, nor for any damage derived by its use.
StressTest is a directed-random test
generator for hardware verification. It consists of a Markov-model random instruction generator
and activity monitors. The model is generated from the user specified template programs and is
used to generate the instructions sent to the design under test (DUT). In addition, the user
specifies key activity points within the design that should be stressed and monitored throughout
the simulation. The StressTest engine then uses closed-loop feedback techniques to transform the
Markov model into one that effectively stresses the points of interest. In parallel, StressTest
monitors the correctness of the DUT response to the supplied stimuli, and if the design behaves
unexpectedly, a bug and a trace that leads to it are reported.
Field-Repairable Control Logic
Correctness is a paramount attribute of any microprocessor design; however, without novel
technologies to tame the increasing complexity of design verification, the amount of bugs that
escape into silicon will only grow in the future. We propose a novel hardware
patching mechanism that can detect design errors which escaped the verification process, and
can correct them directly in the field. We accomplish this goal through a simple field-programmable
state matcher, which can identify erroneous configurations in the processor's control state and
switch the processor into formally-verified degraded performance mode, once a "match" occurs.
When the instructions exposing the design flaw are committed, the processor is switched back
to normal mode. We show that our approach can detect and correct infrequently-occurring errors
with almost no performance impact and has approximately 2% area overhead.
Semantic Guardians
The ability to guarantee the functional correctness of digital integrated circuits and, in particular,
complex microprocessors, is a key task in the production of secure and trusted systems. Unfortunately,
this goal remains today an unfulfilled challenge, as even the most straightforward practical
designs are released with latent bugs. Patching techniques
can repair some of these escaped bugs, however, they often
incur a performance overhead, and most importantly, they
can only be deployed after an escaped bug has been exposed
at the customer site. We present a novel approach
to guaranteeing correct system operation by deploying
a semantic guardian component. The semantic guardian
is an additional control logic block which is included in the
design, and can switch the microprocessor's mode of operation
from its normal, high-performance but error-prone
mode, to a a secure, formally verified safe mode, guaranteing
that the execution will be functionally correct. We explore
several frameworks where a selective use of the safe mode
can enhance the overall functional correctness of a processor.
Additionally, we observe through experimentation that semantic
guardians facilitate the trade-off between the design
validation effort and the performance and area cost of the final
secure product. The experimental results show that the
area cost and performance overheads of a semantic guardian
can be as small as 3.5% and 5%, respectively.